Portfolio Archives

Western Standards by Alan Ruiz

For his project “Western Standards S2-48,” artist Alan Ruiz asked us to fabricate a series of panels in MDF similar to the work we did for his project “Against Nature.” As in that project, the CNC router was used to create a series of shallow inserts made from the profile of the steel studs that […]

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Laser Marking Steel Panels

For this project, artist Alan Ruiz asked us laser mark a series of his drawings onto 1/4″ thick steel panels. First, a laser marking solution is applied the metal. Once the solution is dry, the panels are placed in the laser cutter where the laser fuses the artwork to the metal as it passes back […]

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Laser Engraved Scissors

In lieu of the traditional holiday card, each year the design firm Alexander Isley Inc. sends out a far more memorable holiday gift (see for example, this project). For 2013, the item of choice was a sturdy pair of scissors. We were tasked with finding a way to engrave the scissors with the line: “Alexander […]

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Warped Panes: Experiments in Slumped Glass

This project set out to explore the possibilities of glass slumping, culminating in a full-scale installation of slumped glass panels at Columbia University.

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